10 Fitness Franchises You Should Check Out Right Now

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably heard your friends list off their New Years’ resolutions and almost every year, getting fit, keeping fit and improving overall levels of health are top of the list.

The fitness industry loves January. People traditionally use the New Year as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and work off the excesses of a year gone by.

What’s it Worth

If you’re more interested in improving the overall health of your bank account, you may be interested in fitness too, but in the form of a franchise.

As an industry, it’s worth around $2.4bn to Australia and has close links to franchising. For instance, many of the leading and most widely renowned names in the industry offer potential entrepreneurs the chance to become a franchisee.

Here are 10 of the great opportunities we currently have listed our site...

1. Cyclebar

CycleBar is a franchise you may have heard of before thanks to its innovative business system and its global presence. It has a global network of 225+ Indoor Cycling studios, with many more set to be open in the near future.


2. Get Going Personal Training

With covid still a concern for many, personal trainers that can work remotely have been benefiting. Get Going Personal Training is a franchise that allows fitness professionals to work in this way and it could be a way for you to set your career in motion.

3. Soccajoeys

Soccajoeys is primarily a childhood development program, but a side effect of an activity such as soccer is improved physical wellbeing, which is not just important in adults, but children too.

As the franchise states, Soccajoeys is "committed and dedicated to supporting the next generation of Australians to be more active, develop positive lifestyle habits and we endeavour to make fitness an integral part of their daily routine."

4. Stepz Fitness

One of the biggest trends over the last few years is for gyms to go 24/7 and Stepz Fitness has been at the forefront of this revolution.

It has a unique business model, combining 24/7 gym access and group fitness.


5. Step Into Life

Step Into Life is another fitness franchise that is perfect for those concerned about the public's reluctance to workout indoors since the rise of covid. It is a personal training franchise that focusses on outdoor training.

6. Club Active

Club Active is a wonderful franchise opportunity that has found a niché in the fitness arena, catering to over 50s. According to their profile, "(The) Club Active concept came into fruition because the majority of individuals over 50 are uncomfortable attending the mainstream fitness centres currently available in the market."

Club Active

7. Bikini Bods

Bikini Bods is a women-founded, women-driven and women focused business. Their vision is to make a unique “Bang Bang” Muay Thai and fitness business that women love!

8. 12RND Fitness

Speaking of fitness franchise based around the concept of combat sports, 12RND Fitness is a business that is perfectly placed within both the high-growth boutique fitness market and the worldwide movement towards boxing for fitness.

9. Physio Inq

Not a gym franchise, but Physio Inq is firmly placed within the fitness industry. It is a business that has seen substantial growth throughout the year prior to Covid and managed to keep its clinics open during the pandemic.

10. City Cave

Once again, City Cave isn't a gym, but it is a franchise that is focused on wellbeing and health. If traditional fitness and health franchises are not for you, then maybe the world's fastest-growing float and wellness centre brand might be.

City Cave

There is a fitness franchise to suit most types of investors and many of the options above require little or no experience. Click on any of the links for more information...

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